Just Dance - Dance Party provides a casual, non-judgmental environment where women can express themselves freely, a healthy alternative to the club scene, a space that’s free of smoke and alcohol. Just Dance is more than a freestyle dance and a great work-out -- it's a community, a way of life, and good medicine for many people. We play a wide range of music intended to move you on many levels – body, heart, and soul.


1. What is the set-up like?

The set-up is simple: a dance studio with the lights turned low, an hour and a half of booty-busting tunes, and women willing to let go.

2. What do you do?

Well when you first walk in the room we’ll probably all be standing around waiting for the fun to start. The lights go down, a poor-gal’s version of a disco ball starts up and the music begins. There’s a mirror you can watch yourself dance in if you want or you can move toward the back and groove back there. And by groove we mean GROOVE. Let the music get inside you! There’s no instructor and no rules (except the no judgment thing) so you can do whatever you want! Every once in a while we’ll all start doing a simple dance step we love (we call that spontaneous choreography – SO FUN!) and you can do that with us… or do your own thing! Are you seeing a pattern here? Just come, sing along, move around a little and we swear you will leave on cloud 9.

2. Why ladies only?

We like keeping it a fun, free environment where we don’t have to worry about impressing anyone except ourselves. Having guys in the room would change the dynamic and we’re pretty pleased with the way it is.

3. What should I wear?

Wear workout clothes because you will SWEAT. Definitely don’t wear jeans and if you come in layers expect them to be peeled off. Trust us. Other than that just wear whatever you feel most comfortable in!

4. What if I can’t dance?

Don’t worry, neither can we! And besides, no one will be watching you so even if you’re the worst dancer of all time the only one who’ll notice is you. One of our only rules (as you’ll see below) is that all judgments are left outside. Besides, after a while you’ll begin to realize you’re a much better dancer than you think-promise. We’ve all seen Lady Gaga enough to copy at least her attitude, if not her outfits.

5. So you DO have rules!

We have three: No booze, no boys, no judgments. Sounds like the perfect formula for a good time, doesn’t it?

6. Can I DJ?

Yes you can! We’d love for you to! And just to be clear, by “DJ” we mean putting together a kick-butt mix on your ipod and rocking our worlds with it at DDPP so there really aren’t any actual “DJ” skills needed. All we ask is that you attend at least one session before you do so you can get an idea of the feel and what people love to dance to. Check out our DJ page for more info!

7. Can I bring friends?

Please do! Just Dance Dance Party is even better with friends!

Come on Ladies, it's time to get this party started!

For more information call 601-459-0406 or email: justdanceparty@yahoo.com

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