Just Dance - Dance Party provides a casual, non-judgmental environment where women can express themselves freely, a healthy alternative to the club scene, a space that’s free of smoke and alcohol. Just Dance is more than a freestyle dance and a great work-out -- it's a community, a way of life, and good medicine for many people. We play a wide range of music intended to move you on many levels – body, heart, and soul.

Dance off the Pounds!

Dance Off Your Excess Pounds!
Ever thought of dancing as a good way to lose or keep off weight? Well it is, and it's not hard to see why. "It's fun. There is a disassociation as to how hard you are working. You are so engrossed in dancing and moving to your own beat,and listening to the music that it doesn't even feel like work."
Dance movements are fun, but they can really give you a workout. "The movements that shape the body and burn the most calories are the ones we try to incorporate in our classes... "Women like to turn, twist, shake their hips, kick, punch, jump and leap. The movements where you leave or cover the floor burn the most calories." The women who really enjoy Just Dance - Dance Party classes are women from all sizes, fitness levels, and have no dance background. It doesn't matter what age they are. "We have a Dance to your own Beat motto that appeals to everyone from the senior population, girls in their teens, to those in their 30's or older."
Just Dance Dance Party is a free form dance experience just for women.
Everyone dances to their own beat!

How to Get the Most Out of Any Dance Class
In order to lose or maintain weight, We recommend dancing a minimum of three times per week, incoorporate twising, turning, jumping, and shaking your hips and booty's into your dance, We all do this naturally when we here upbeat music.
The main thing, is that you continue to move.

What Class is Right For You?

The dance class that's right for you probably depends on the kind of music that you like.
We offer Dance Party Music in Hip Hop, Latin, Raggee, Disco, 80'S Dance, 50's Sock Hop, and Techno.

"Dancing can keep your weight down, but it's not just about how you look any more. It's how you feel and the quality of your life"

Contact us today to request what you would like added to our playlist and Just Dance Party Themes.

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